eLearning News and Insights

Exciting Job Opportunity at Edgewood College: Course Development and Instructional Design Coordinator

Reading Time: 2 minutesExperience and Education Requirements for Course Development and Instructional Design Coordinator at Edgewood College As an eLearning developer, I found the necessary education and work experience requirements for the Course Development and Instructional Design Coordinator position at Edgewood College to be quite comprehensive. The role requires a bachelor’s degree with an emphasis

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eLearning News and Insights

Uncovering the Secret to Impactful Design

Reading Time: 2 minutesUnlock Impactful eLearning Design: A Developer’s Perspective As an experienced eLearning developer, I can attest to the importance of impactful design in creating engaging and effective online courses. The blog post highlights key design aspects that are crucial for creating impactful eLearning experiences. The emphasis on personalized learning paths, adaptive content recommendations,

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eLearning News and Insights

Learn how to easily convert PowerPoint slides into engaging elearning courses with these 6 simple steps

Reading Time: 2 minutesExploring the Power of Articulate Rise 360 As an eLearning developer, I am always on the lookout for new tools that can help me create engaging and interactive courses for my clients. Articulate Rise 360 seems to be a game-changer in the eLearning authoring tool industry. Its cloud-based approach and responsive design

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eLearning News and Insights

Learn how businesses can promote environmental awareness through sustainable practices and community engagement in our latest blog post

Reading Time: 2 minutesSupporting Environmental Awareness In The Workplace In 8 Easy Steps As an eLearning developer, I recently came across an interesting article on eLearning Industry that discussed supporting environmental awareness in the workplace in 8 easy steps. It highlighted the importance of businesses embracing sustainable practices, especially in light of International Mother Earth

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eLearning News

New Approach for Autism: Emphasizing Strengths

Reading Time: 2 minutesEmbracing the Strengths-Based Approach for Autism: A Game Changer in Education As an eLearning developer, finding innovative and effective ways to support individuals with autism in their learning journey is always at the forefront of my mind. That’s why when I came across the article on implementing a strengths-based approach for autism,

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eLearning News

The importance of custom eLearning for leadership training and how to implement it effectively

Reading Time: 2 minutesCustom eLearning for Leadership Training: A Game-Changer for Organizational Development Hey there, fellow eLearning enthusiasts! I recently stumbled upon an insightful blog post that delves into the transformative power of custom eLearning for leadership training. As an experienced eLearning developer myself, I couldn’t help but be intrigued by the compelling insights shared

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eLearning News

Assess Your Readiness with These 5 Questions

Reading Time: 2 minutesWhy Rapid eLearning is a Game Changer for Organizations As an eLearning developer, I can attest to the fact that rapid eLearning is truly a game-changer for organizations looking to keep up with the fast-paced world of business. The benefits of rapid eLearning are manifold, making it the perfect solution for companies

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eLearning News

Maximizing Remote Employee Engagement: Key Strategies

Reading Time: 3 minutesEmbracing the Challenges of Remote Employee Engagement as an eLearning Developer As an eLearning developer, I fully understand the challenges that come with remote work and how it impacts employee engagement. The article highlights how social distance can affect communication, teamwork, and overall engagement between remote employees. It’s important for organizations to

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eLearning News

Top 5 Reasons to Start a Podcast for Your eLearning Company

Reading Time: 2 minutesIn this blog post, the author provides five compelling reasons for eLearning companies to start hosting podcasts. These reasons include engaging with a larger audience, building credibility in the industry, increasing brand awareness, providing valuable content to listeners, and creating opportunities for partnerships and collaborations. The post highlights the benefits of podcasts

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