Write about this blog post content from the perspective of a tenured eLearning Developer. Write in a friendly creative tone that is sharing your perspective about a new blog post you found and want to share your insights about. Rewrite the highlights using your opinion to elaborate on them from the perspective of an eLearning developer. Preserve the original HTML to links as much as possible for your reader to explore. Create at least 3 titles using H2 tags that are related to this post. Each title content should have a minimum of 500 words in each new section. The idea is to write from your perspective about the post to provide your insight about each section for new readers who are in the eLearning industry and interested in learning about new trends, topics, ideas, and information. Rewrite the content for context in this blog post for your readers. Exclude any advertising or marketing materials from the content. The article should include details and expand on ideas where possible. Create an interesting opinion about the article and it’s topic for readers to enjoy. Quote the article when applicable.
For context: You are an eLearning developer and designer named Adam. Your blog is intended to bring attention to eLearning articles you find interesting and you write about them on your site. You primarily work with Articulate Storyline 360, Rise, and create courses with lots of AI features to increase user engagement. Your goal is to share the information with your readers and provide a link to the source blog post if the learner wants to read about it. While writing your blog post, include other links to reputable sources using alt text for the link and having the link open in a new window. When adding these links throughout your post, use a tag as well. Make sure to use tags to create section headings and
Include a link to your ‘Prebuilt Courses’ section on your site where people can order a course to be customized based on over 20 topics. You build custom solutions and offer these courses as a way to quickly fill a client’s portfolio of online courses for employees or solopreneur content creators. People can get a prebuilt course in only a few days using your white glove service. Here is a link to the cataloghttps://an802adam.biz/all-courses.
Make sure to end the blog article with a link to the source content originally titled: Online Learning Communities And Connectivism For Collaboration
For example: If you would like to read more about this topic, check out the source here: [original title]
The source URL to link to is: https://elearningindustry.com/using-connectivism-learning-theory-to-foster-an-online-learning-community
Here is the content to rewrite:
Online Learning Communities And Connectivism: The Secret To Enhancing Collaboration
The social side of learning has become increasingly popular in recent years, prompting educators to move from isolated learning models to dynamic, collaborative learning communities. These learning environments promote collaboration and knowledge sharing in unprecedented ways, with technology being their main vehicle. But where has this emphasis on cooperation and interaction come from? It is actually connectivism, the most contemporary of the learning theories, that has provided eLearning designers and instructors with a framework they can use to build thriving learning communities. In this article, we explore the relationship between online learning communities and connectivism through 5 strategies that ensure they bring the most value to the learning journey.
What Are The Origins Of Connectivism Learning Theory?
This very recent learning theory emerged in 2004 from professor of psychology George Siemens and was later expanded on by philosopher Stephen Downes. Connectivism serves as a theoretical framework that helps us understand learning in the digital age. Specifically, connectivism describes the action of turning to an online community to solve a problem and gather more information about it. As a result, while the knowledge resides outside of the person and within a network of individuals, it is up to the learner to use their critical, identification, and organization skills to come up with a solution to their initial issue.
The significance of connectivism learning theory lies in the fact that it examines learning through the lens of the digital era, which previous theories couldn’t do. As a result, its principles highlight the value of technology, digital networks, and social connections, as well as continuous learning, diversity, and autonomy.
5 Ways To Foster Online Learning Communities Through Connectivism
Having explored its basics, we are ready to explore 5 practical ways in which you can leverage connectivism to foster successful online learning communities.
1. Social Learning And Collaboration
To follow connectivism’s core idea, you have to make it easier for learners to practice social learning. Whether you are using discussion boards or group projects, learners must be able to interact, have access to each other’s expertise and knowledge, and share their own insights. Creating such spaces will encourage everyone to speak their minds freely, thus facilitating the exchange of diverse perspectives. Additionally, this active participation in discussions will enhance knowledge acquisition. Most social media platforms are suitable for creating such communities, while you can also use dedicated collaborative platforms, such as your company’s or educational institution’s internal communication system.
2. Service Learning
Service learning is an educational approach where learners apply their knowledge in real-world settings and, more specifically, through community service. These activities not only highlight the practical applications of the learning material but also enhance the sense of community and teamwork within the online learning environment. Depending on the subject matter of your eLearning course, you can create groups that may build a website, conduct a financial audit, research a particular problem, or develop marketing materials for a nonprofit organization or local charity. This way, learners turn theory into practice while improving the community and collaborating with their peers for a good cause.
3. Networked Learning Opportunities
Another way in which the learning theory of connectivism suggests building an online learning community is by connecting learners with industry professionals. This might involve inviting recognized experts to speak in class or host webinars, encouraging learners to participate in online professional communities, or even creating mentorship programs. There are various benefits to this approach, with one of the most important being that learners get the opportunity to hear valuable insights directly from professionals who successfully apply them every day. Additionally, learners can interact with experts and expand their network, thus increasing the number of people they can turn to for future advice and support.
4. Using The Right Technology
Technology is the cornerstone of connectivism learning theory and a valuable tool for fostering collaboration among online learners. However, if you want to maximize the potential of available technology and achieve the best learning outcomes possible, then you have to make careful decisions. You will first want to find a suitable Learning Management System (LMS) with the necessary communication, collaboration, and interaction tools for your audience. Make sure your LMS integrates effectively with commonly used video conferencing platforms to facilitate live interaction and cooperation among learners. Finally, encourage the use of social media platforms, forums, or collaborative websites (wikis) so that learners can share their insights and knowledge, exchange ideas, and have group discussions.
5. Encouraging Continuous Learning
The final thing you need to know about connectivist online learning communities is that they constantly evolve. Members may change over time; some might participate less due to external factors, while others may become more active, sharing their growing knowledge and insights. However, the value of the online community for its members must stay the same. For that to happen, you must take steps to maintain learner engagement and interaction. You can do that by setting topics for debate on discussion boards and organizing virtual meetups or conferences where more experienced members can share their expert insights. This way, you ensure that valuable knowledge is always shared within the community and members participate and collaborate without barriers.
Fostering collaboration and creating vibrant online learning communities must certainly be a top priority in your learning strategy. A great way to achieve this is by implementing the principles of connectivism learning theory, and especially social learning and collaboration, technology use, network building, and promoting continuous knowledge sharing. By adopting a connectivistic approach, your online learning community will not only be engaging and impactful for learners but it will also prepare them for the highly connected educational landscape of the digital era.